Thursday, May 14, 2020 --- PDH heard your many questions and partnered with Bohreer Law Firm to present a FREE Webinar for Small Businesses, "Employers Understanding Employee Rights Returning (Or Not!) To Work and Understanding PPP Loan Forgiveness (or Not!)."
Michelle Bohreer (Founder, Bohreer Law Firm, PLLC) and Corbett Parker (Partner, Pagel, Davis & Hill, P.C.) have been hard at work staying updated on recent legislation and governmental regulations while navigating their small business clients through the uncertainty caused by COVID-19. The two most asked about topics have been employer and employee rights, and forgiveness under the PPP loan program.
Michelle and Corbett ZOOMed through the panoply of questions that our clients are asking as to employees returning to work and calculating forgiveness for PPP loans.
*** Thank you to JoVonna Hill, PDH Law's HR and Employment Paralegal for her many hours researching and organizing the Webinar. PDH is so proud of her significant efforts serving as a vital resource for Houston-area HR professionals through her countless hours serving HR Houston.